SkyWin HowTo - Mass and Balance Calculation

How to set up and use external service for Mass and Balance Calculation


There is an external provider using a graphical user interface, of checking and defining the Center of Gravity (CoG) in each Load.

The service can be reached from both SkyWin and SkyWinOne, but it is only enabled if your organisation has SkyWinOne installed.

If you want to turn this feature off, it's as easy as removing the value of System parameter mbc_link_address (done in SkyWinOne).

In SkyWin
Accessing the service

For every Load there will be a button (and also an item in the context menu when right-clicking in the Manifest list) leading to the external service for calculating mass and balance.

The status of last calculation is also shown here.

Swedish example:


The result from calculations can have only two different outcomes, it's either OK or Not OK. If any of these prerequisites are changed the value will be invalidated and a new calculation has to be done:

  • Switch to another the pilot, or add/remove pilot
  • Add or remove jumper/group from the Load
  • Change the weight of a jumper/pilot included in the Load
  • Change Aircraft for the Load
  • Remove the Load

SkyWin will only invalidate calculations for loads with status Planned or Booked.


When printing the Loadsheet a copy of the resulting diagram will be included.
The jumpers on the Loadsheet are sorted using a new algorithm that is more similar to the actual exit order.

Swedish example:

In SkyWinOne
Accessing the service

For every Load there will be a button leading to the external service for calculating mass and balance.

The status of last calculation is also shown here.


The result from calculations can be shown by hoovering with the mouse over the label or the status.


The jumpers and loads in SkyView are sorted using a new algorithm that is more similar to the actual exit order.