SkyWin API - use API calls with SkyWin One
Who this information is intended for
If you have been using the SkyWin® API before 2021, and you want to upgrade to the new SkyWin® One component (of course you want to), then this reading is a must! And for all others interested in getting information into, or out from, SkyWin® One.
What's up then?
SkyWin® One uses a modern framework with the possibility to apply changes in a fast, secure and agile manner.
Eventually, SkyWin® One will also replace the old Windows-client "SkyWin", by delivering new functionality incrementally.
The first delivery in 2021, version 21.0, will replace the old SkyWin® API, or SkyWin Web Services, and this document describes changes you might have to do if you have implemented our services earlier.
The development has also moved away from older Java versions, and your server should now run Java 11.
API resources
For a complete list of available resources and methods we refer to the status page of SkyWin® One, filter the results using the term "api/v1".
Resource "common"
Address using the old API | /api/common |
Address using SkyWin One | /api/v1/status |
Changes from 2020
Path ping
The path has been removed and is replaced with the new address status, using method HEAD and validating the response code.
Path dbconnectiontest
The path has been removed and is replaced with the new address status, using method GET and checking the response attribute validatedDbVersion which should be true.
Resource "status"
Address using the old API | — |
Address using SkyWin One | /api/v1/status |
Path status
Response contains a lot of SkyWin One settings, including validatedDbVersion and validatedLicenseNumber which both should be "true".
This address can also be used for checking if services are up, use method "HEAD". This endpoint with this method does NOT require authentication.
Example response /api/v1/status.json
Resource "member"
Address using the old API | /api/member |
Address using SkyWin One | /api/v1/members |
Changes from 2020
Path member
The path to internalNo has unchanged behaviour, example:
The query parameter memberNo has been replaced with path, example:
Path emailAddresses
The path has been removed and is replaced with the new address /api/v1/reports/member-email-addresses.
Attributes may have moved around:
Example response /api/v1/members/770.json
Resource "passenger"
Address using the old API | /api/passenger |
Address using SkyWin One | /api/v1/passengers |
Changes from 2020
Path passenger
The path to passengerId has unchanged behaviour, example:
The query parameters fromDate and toDate have unchanged behaviour, example:
Path trans
The path has been renamed to payment and responds on methods GET and POST.
Attributes may have moved around:
Example response /api/v1/passengers/1.json
Resource "trans"
Address using the old API | /api/trans |
Address using SkyWin One | /api/v1/trans |
Changes from 2020
Path trans
The path to accountNo and transNo has unchanged behaviour, example:
The path to accountNo and query parameter to transNo has been removed ans is replaced with path parameter, example:
The query parameter lastUpd has been renamed to lastUpdated and has a new format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS, example:
/api/v1/trans/10504711?lastUpdated=2021-02-06 14:36:14.740
Note: when using lastUpdated as a parameter the response will only include transactions happened AFTER the timestamp specified.
Attributes may have moved around:
Example response /api/v1/trans/1002102/3.json
Resource "report"
Address using the old API | /api/report |
Address using SkyWin One | /api/v1/reports |
Changes from 2020
Path jumpLeague
The path has been renamed to jump-league, example:
The query parameter jumpYear has unchanged behaviour, example:
Path paxReport
The path has been renamed to pax-report, example:
The query parameter memberNo has been replaced with path, example:
The query parameters fromDate and toDate have unchanged behaviour, example:
Path memberEmailAddresses
The path has been renamed to member-email-addresses, example:
The query parameter infoViaEmail must have a value, true or false, example:
Example response /api/v1/reports/member-email-addresses.json
Resource "skyview"
Address using the old API | /api/skyview |
Address using SkyWin One | /api/v1/skyview |
Changes from 2020
Path skyview
The path to skyview has unchanged behaviour, example:
The query parameter jumpDate can be used to retrieve data from another date (default is today) example:
If jumpDate is omitted like in the first example above, only loads with status PLANNED or BOOKED will be in the response!
The query parameter tandem can be used to only get tandem jumps and it must have a value, true or false, example:
Example response /api/v1/skyview.json
Resource "jump-queue"
Address using the old API | — |
Address using SkyWin One | /api/v1/jump-queue |
Path jump-queue
Response contains all groups and jumpers currently waiting in the jump queue, formerly known as SkyWish.
Example response /api/v1/jump-queue.json