SkyWin One

What's this?

SkyWin® One is the latest and greatest version for administrating your dropzone. It will eventually replace our legacy Windows-client ("SkyWin").

(If you previously have been using the "SkyWin API component" - you need to manually convert your API calls, see this documentation)

SkyWin® One is installed in parallel with the legacy client SkyWin (Windows) and can complement with features such as API, web-client for jump queue and more. See this complete list of functions that can be used in SkyWin® One.

What are you waiting for? Install it today !!!
Before installation you can submit a copy of your existing database, and we will validate that it will work smoothly with SkyWin® One.

  • MySQL — SkyWin® One will only work with MySQL databases, we can easily help converting your SkyWin®-database if you still are on MS Access
  • A web server like Tomcat (currently developing and verifying with Tomcat 9.0.31, 2022-01-01)
  • Java Runtime version 11 or above (currently developing and verifying with Java 11.0.13, 2022-01-01)
  • Minimum java heap (memory) 1GB - developed and verified with these settings: -Xms512M -Xmx1024M
  1. Two system variables must be set on the server running SkyWin® One.

      A directory listing where to put the configuration file (see below). It is important that the user running SkyWin® One has the permission to read files here.
      E.g. SKYWIN_CONFIG_DIR=/opt/skywin/config
      A directory listing where SkyWin® One can write log files. It is important that the user running SkyWin® One has the permissions to create and write files here.
      E.g. SKYWIN_LOG_DIR=/var/log/skywin

  2. A file named should be placed in the directory for configuration (see variable SKYWIN_CONFIG_DIR above).
    Use this example file as a starter and make needed changes.

  3. The database must be up to date, requires SkyWin® 21.2.0 or above.

  4. The database must be updated (once) with new tables. Run the script SkyWinOne_tables.sql once.


Make sure all installations according to the prerequisites above are working.

Deploy the downloaded file skywinone.war in Tomcat (or equivalent).

Open up <your server address>:8080/ in your browser and verify that the application starts

First time actions:

  • Click on Log in in the Administration menu
  • Use Username admin and Password skywinone and click on button Login - it is advisable to change the password of the admin user as soon as possible - can be done in the Administration menu
  • Click on Administration | Users in the menu
  • Create a user to be utilized for the API:
    select Username and Password and make sure you mark the Role ROLE_API before you click on button Create
    when the user is created and shown, click on button Edit, select the Locked for login, click on button Update
  • You can browse the API endpoints:
    Click on Status in the menu
    Filter the list by typing "api/v1"