SkyWin One - Parameters usage
A lot of system parameters can be changed in order to alter the behaviour of SkyWin® One (and SkyWin®).
These parameters exist in either the external property file, or in SkyWin One from the menu Settings | System parameters.
Description of Property file parameters
A file named should be placed in the directory for configuration. All changes in this file require a re-start of the SkyWin® One service. See this example file.
Group | Name | Description |
Data connection | dataSource.url | JDBC connection string to the database, e.g. jdbc:mysql:// |
dataSource.username | The username used when connecting to the database. | |
dataSource.password | The password used when connecting to the database. | |
Address | grails.serverURL | Must be correct and pointing to your server URL, is used when generating links, e.g. |
grails.mail.username | The username used when connecting to SMTP service for sending emails. Keep it blank to disable email sending. | |
grails.mail.password | The password used when connecting to SMTP service for sending emails. Keep it blank to disable email sending. | |
The settings below only has to be used if NOT sending with GMAIL: | || | SMTP host name (defaults to, e.g. | |
grails.mail.port | SMTP port number (defaults to 465), e.g. 567. | |
SkyWin One | skywin_parameter_load_cache_upon_startup | true/false - the internal cache can be preloaded or not, can affect performance. |
skywin_block_brute_force | true/false - enable protection against brute force login attacks. |
Description of System parameters
Group | Name | Type | Description |
Organization | AccountCreditLimit | number | A system-wide setting for all accounts, unless there is a setting on the specific Member/Group - the limit for when an Account is considered in debt. |
ConfirmCredit | true/false | If set to true a confirmation popup has to be answered whenever credit is given to a Member or Group. | |
ClimateCompensateDefault | number | The default value for attribute climateCompensate when creating new members.
0 = No 1 = Ask every time 2 = Yes |
Clubname | string | The name of your club/organization (abbreviated). Will be used to determine if a member is a guest jumper or not. | |
Clubpicture | string | A link to your logotype. Can be either an absolute path to a file on internet (e.g., or if you'd rather have it included in SkyWinOne you can send it to us and we'll provide a link for you (e.g. /assets/logo/yourlogo.png). | |
ContactName | string | The name of SkyWin contact person. This value can be shown and/or printed. | |
Location | string | The name of current Dropzone/location. This value can be shown and/or printed. | |
MyCurrency | string | How to format currency in the system. | |
MyCurrencyCode | string | The currency code for all monetary values in the system. | |
MyDateFormat | string | How to format date in the system.
yyyy=year MM=month dd=day separator=/ |
MyTimeFormat | string | How to format time in the system.
HH=hour mm=minutes separator=: |
MyHeightUnit | string | The unit for height used in the system. | |
MyWeightUnit | string | The unit for weight used in the system. | |
NatAssociation | string | The name (abbreviated) for the national skydiving association. | |
RequireContact | true/false | If set to true all Members will be required to have name and phone for Next of kin. | |
RequirePaymentMethod | number | Whether Payment method is required for transactions.
0 = No 1 = Require confirmation if Payment method is missing 2 = Always required |
ValidateAddressElements | true/false | If set to true all Members will be required to have Postal number and City. | |
Manifest | AskForCanopyid | true/false | If set to true all student jumps have to be completed with information regarding which Canopy is used in the jump. |
CheckReservePackDate | true/false | If set to true all jumps have to be completed with information regarding their reserve packing date - the system will only ask for this if RepackInterval(days) has been passed since the last registered reserve packing date. | |
RepackInterval | number | The number of days a reserve packing is valid. | |
CollapseLoadsheet | true/false | If set to true the Loadsheet (printed or PDF) will be grouping jumpers into groups to consume with space on the printout. | |
LoadjumpLimit | number | The number of times a jumper can be manifested simultaneously. | |
LoadmasterPrice | number | The price to be used when marking a jumper as Jumpmaster in a Load. | |
LoadNoDisregPlane | true/false | If set to true the Load numbering will be system-wide. If set to false each Aircraft will have it's own series for Load number. | |
LowestDeployAltitude | number | Lowest allowed altitude, is used to validate altitude inputs. | |
ManifestNoOfYears | number | Number of years of history shown in the Manifest. | |
NumberOfFellleaders | number | Number of input fields in Load for felling leader(s). | |
NumberOfLoadmasters | number | Number of input fields in Load for load master(s). | |
NumberOfJumpleaders | number | Number of input fields in Load for jump leader(s). | |
NumberOfManifestors | number | Number of input fields in Load for manifestor(s). | |
NumberOfPilots | number | Number of input fields in Load for pilot(s). | |
RefreshTimeManifest | number | The number of seconds between automatic refresh of the content in the Manifest. | |
RefreshTimePassengerlist | number | The number of seconds between automatic refresh of the content in the Passenger list. | |
RemoveTimeReservation | number | The number of minutes a Load reservation will be kept without being used in the Manifest. | |
RentalAmount | number | The price for rental equipment. | |
RequireFelleader | number | Whether Felling leader is required to enter or not.
0 = No 1 = Require confirmation if Felling leader is missing 2 = Always required |
ShowPaymentCompleteOptionForPax | true/false | If set to true an option to easily register that a Tandem passenger already has payed is available at the Manifest. | |
WeightFemale | number | The default weight for a Female jumper. | |
WeightMale | number | The default weight for a Male jumper. | |
WeightTandem | number | The default weight for a Tandem instructor including equipment. | |
Jump Queue (SkyWish) | CloseOpenGroupInJumpQueue | number | The number of seconds after a "group registration" has been started until it is automatically closed.
If the value is set to "0" open groups will never be closed, if the value is set to "-1" jumpers won't even be placed in groups automatically in the Jump Queue. |
RefreshTimeJumpQueue | number | The number of seconds between automatic refresh of the content in the Jump Queue. | |
SelectionToSkyWish | number | The ID of a Member selection used in SkyWish. See full documentation at SkyWin HowTo - Jump Queue selection. | |
ShowBalanceButtonInJumpQueue | true/false | If set to true a button turns up in the Jump Queue (after jumper has been selected) that will reveal the account balance for the jumper/group. | |
SkyView | AircraftFlightInfo | true/false | If set to true SkyView will show real-time figures for a Load that is up in the air; altitude, track and ground speed. |
RefreshTimeSkyView | number | The number of seconds between automatic refresh of the content in SkyView. | |
SkyViewNoOfLoads | number | The number of Loads visible in SkyView. | |
SkyViewShowClockBelowJumpers | true/false | If set to true the countdown animation is shown below the jumpers in SkyView.
If SkyViewShowClockOnTop also is set to true, the setting SkyViewShowClockBelowJumpers is ignored. |
SkyViewShowClockOnTop | true/false | If set to true the countdown animation is shown on top of the page in SkyView. | |
SkyViewShowEmptyLoads | true/false | If set to true Loads without jumpers are still visible in SkyView. | |
SkyViewShowLiftedLoad | true/false | If set to true the last lifted Load is shown in SkyView. | |
Guest payment | ChargeGuestManifest | true/false | If set to true, when manifesting a guest jumpers there will be an extra charge for the jumper. Good to be used if Guests for example should pay for staying at the club house over night. |
ChargeUsertext | string | The text to show for manifestor before charging the guest. | |
ChargeAmount | number | The amount to charge the guest. | |
ChargePaymenttext | string | The text that is visible on the transaction. | |
ChargePaymentReason | number | The (id for the) Payment reason on the transaction. |