SkyWin One - Parameters usage


A lot of system parameters can be changed in order to alter the behaviour of SkyWin® One (and SkyWin®).
These parameters exist in either the external property file, or in SkyWin One from the menu Settings | System parameters.

Description of Property file parameters

A file named should be placed in the directory for configuration. All changes in this file require a re-start of the SkyWin® One service. See this example file.

Group Name Description
Data connection dataSource.url JDBC connection string to the database, e.g. jdbc:mysql://
dataSource.username The username used when connecting to the database.
dataSource.password The password used when connecting to the database.
Address grails.serverURL Must be correct and pointing to your server URL, is used when generating links, e.g.
Email grails.mail.username The username used when connecting to SMTP service for sending emails. Keep it blank to disable email sending.
grails.mail.password The password used when connecting to SMTP service for sending emails. Keep it blank to disable email sending.
The settings below only has to be used if NOT sending with GMAIL: SMTP host name (defaults to, e.g.
grails.mail.port SMTP port number (defaults to 465), e.g. 567.
SkyWin One skywin_parameter_load_cache_upon_startup true/false - the internal cache can be preloaded or not, can affect performance.
skywin_block_brute_force true/false - enable protection against brute force login attacks.
Description of System parameters
Group Name Type Description
Organization AccountCreditLimit number A system-wide setting for all accounts, unless there is a setting on the specific Member/Group - the limit for when an Account is considered in debt.
ConfirmCredit true/false If set to true a confirmation popup has to be answered whenever credit is given to a Member or Group.
ClimateCompensateDefault number The default value for attribute climateCompensate when creating new members.
0 = No
1 = Ask every time
2 = Yes
Clubname string The name of your club/organization (abbreviated). Will be used to determine if a member is a guest jumper or not.
Clubpicture string A link to your logotype. Can be either an absolute path to a file on internet (e.g., or if you'd rather have it included in SkyWinOne you can send it to us and we'll provide a link for you (e.g. /assets/logo/yourlogo.png).
ContactName string The name of SkyWin contact person. This value can be shown and/or printed.
Location string The name of current Dropzone/location. This value can be shown and/or printed.
MyCurrency string How to format currency in the system.
MyCurrencyCode string The currency code for all monetary values in the system.
MyDateFormat string How to format date in the system.
MyTimeFormat string How to format time in the system.
MyHeightUnit string The unit for height used in the system.
MyWeightUnit string The unit for weight used in the system.
NatAssociation string The name (abbreviated) for the national skydiving association.
RequireContact true/false If set to true all Members will be required to have name and phone for Next of kin.
RequirePaymentMethod number Whether Payment method is required for transactions.
0 = No
1 = Require confirmation if Payment method is missing
2 = Always required
ValidateAddressElements true/false If set to true all Members will be required to have Postal number and City.
Manifest AskForCanopyid true/false If set to true all student jumps have to be completed with information regarding which Canopy is used in the jump.
CheckReservePackDate true/false If set to true all jumps have to be completed with information regarding their reserve packing date - the system will only ask for this if RepackInterval(days) has been passed since the last registered reserve packing date.
RepackInterval number The number of days a reserve packing is valid.
CollapseLoadsheet true/false If set to true the Loadsheet (printed or PDF) will be grouping jumpers into groups to consume with space on the printout.
LoadjumpLimit number The number of times a jumper can be manifested simultaneously.
LoadmasterPrice number The price to be used when marking a jumper as Jumpmaster in a Load.
LoadNoDisregPlane true/false If set to true the Load numbering will be system-wide. If set to false each Aircraft will have it's own series for Load number.
LowestDeployAltitude number Lowest allowed altitude, is used to validate altitude inputs.
ManifestNoOfYears number Number of years of history shown in the Manifest.
NumberOfFellleaders number Number of input fields in Load for felling leader(s).
NumberOfLoadmasters number Number of input fields in Load for load master(s).
NumberOfJumpleaders number Number of input fields in Load for jump leader(s).
NumberOfManifestors number Number of input fields in Load for manifestor(s).
NumberOfPilots number Number of input fields in Load for pilot(s).
RefreshTimeManifest number The number of seconds between automatic refresh of the content in the Manifest.
RefreshTimePassengerlist number The number of seconds between automatic refresh of the content in the Passenger list.
RemoveTimeReservation number The number of minutes a Load reservation will be kept without being used in the Manifest.
RentalAmount number The price for rental equipment.
RequireFelleader number Whether Felling leader is required to enter or not.
0 = No
1 = Require confirmation if Felling leader is missing
2 = Always required
ShowPaymentCompleteOptionForPax true/false If set to true an option to easily register that a Tandem passenger already has payed is available at the Manifest.
WeightFemale number The default weight for a Female jumper.
WeightMale number The default weight for a Male jumper.
WeightTandem number The default weight for a Tandem instructor including equipment.
Jump Queue (SkyWish) CloseOpenGroupInJumpQueue number The number of seconds after a "group registration" has been started until it is automatically closed.
If the value is set to "0" open groups will never be closed,
if the value is set to "-1" jumpers won't even be placed in groups automatically in the Jump Queue.
RefreshTimeJumpQueue number The number of seconds between automatic refresh of the content in the Jump Queue.
SelectionToSkyWish number The ID of a Member selection used in SkyWish. See full documentation at SkyWin HowTo - Jump Queue selection.
ShowBalanceButtonInJumpQueue true/false If set to true a button turns up in the Jump Queue (after jumper has been selected) that will reveal the account balance for the jumper/group.
SkyView AircraftFlightInfo true/false If set to true SkyView will show real-time figures for a Load that is up in the air; altitude, track and ground speed.
RefreshTimeSkyView number The number of seconds between automatic refresh of the content in SkyView.
SkyViewNoOfLoads number The number of Loads visible in SkyView.
SkyViewShowClockBelowJumpers true/false If set to true the countdown animation is shown below the jumpers in SkyView.
If SkyViewShowClockOnTop also is set to true, the setting SkyViewShowClockBelowJumpers is ignored.
SkyViewShowClockOnTop true/false If set to true the countdown animation is shown on top of the page in SkyView.
SkyViewShowEmptyLoads true/false If set to true Loads without jumpers are still visible in SkyView.
SkyViewShowLiftedLoad true/false If set to true the last lifted Load is shown in SkyView.
Guest payment ChargeGuestManifest true/false If set to true, when manifesting a guest jumpers there will be an extra charge for the jumper. Good to be used if Guests for example should pay for staying at the club house over night.
ChargeUsertext string The text to show for manifestor before charging the guest.
ChargeAmount number The amount to charge the guest.
ChargePaymenttext string The text that is visible on the transaction.
ChargePaymentReason number The (id for the) Payment reason on the transaction.